What is Esoteric Healing?

There is an energy field that surrounds and permeates the bodies of all living beings. It is an active, invisible field that is commonly called the aura or etheric body. This energy field, although invisible to the naked eye, can be photographed with Kirlian photography and felt by trained hands.

This type of healing work uses the energy field and is known as "esoteric" healing, meaning "hidden" until studied in greater depth. The existence of the energy field and its use in healing has its roots in ancient healing practices. It has only been in the last few years however, the Western Science has recognized its significance. Esoteric Healing was developed in the early 1960's in England.

When one is healthy, energy flows easily throughout the body. When energy is blocked, restricted, or deficient this is often associated with physical body disease, emotional issues, and/or mental altercations. These problems within the energy field are often present and will present before they appear in the physical body.

Esoteric Healing Practitioners have learned to use their hands to sense areas in the client's energy field that are weak or congested. Using energy balancing techniques, the practitioner can restore the client's energy field to a more flowing, healthy state. Balancing sessions often results in improved physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The practitioner does not touch the client but, works within the energy field at various distances from the client's body. Healing energies are available to all, whether or not an individual belongs to any religious denomination. You don't have to believe in it for it to work.

What is an Esoteric Healing Session?

You can expect to provide a brief history before the session begins. Clients then close their eyes and relax, fully clothed, in a chair or session table. I am available to provide in-person balancing sessions at Williamston Wellness located in Williamston, MI or I can provide distance sessions where you remain within the comfort of your own home. Esoteric Healing work engages the energy field surrounding the client and often produces a deep effect of relaxation. A session usually lasts about 30- 40 minutes. Occasionally, relief is obtained after one session; usually after three sessions, the practitioner and client assess the healing progress.

During session, some clients feel light movements. Sometimes the effect of the session is felt immediately, but, more frequently, it is not observed until shortly afterward. After sessions, clients are encouraged to spend time quietly to facilitate their healing response.

Energy is influenced by our mental and emotional states, and sessions  may produce an effect in these areas. Clients are asked to consider the thoughts, memories and feelings in the days following the session. This is an inner response to healing that the client may deal with privately or they may wish to discuss with the practitioner.

Does Esoteric Healing work for everyone?

According to the National Association for Esoteric Healing, about 75% of clients benefit considerably; about 10% don't recognize the benefit; and about 15% find that although their direct problem is not helped, there is an inner change which helps to make their health problem more manageable.

NAEH Curriculum

The Esoteric Healing Training I have received includes anatomy, philosophy, metaphysical principles, energy balancing methods, and ethical standards of practice.

Please log on to www.NAEHonline.org for more information about Esoteric Healing along with helpful videos that explain how this treatment modality differ from others.

Esoteric Healing Sessions are a hands off energetic balancing method. It is an adjunct to your traditional healthcare and in no way overrides or replaces advice from your licensed professional medical healthcare provider.

Some conditions that can benefit from Esoteric Healing sessions are but not limited to:

Finding clarity, purpose, direction 
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Chronic Pain
Autoimmune conditions
Post surgical recovery
Emotional unrest
Menopausal symptoms
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Panic Attacks
Sinus Congestion
Post Stroke
Vocal and Motor Tics

Some other beautiful benefits one may experience from an Esoteric Healing session are:

Helps with emotional and physical well-being
Creates a deep feeling of peace and relaxation
Peaceful sleep
Eliminating fear and allows for a peaceful dying process
Lessens pain
Increases vitality, vigor, chi
Helps to clear emotional blocks
Increases the vibrational frequency of the body
Chakra balancing
Creates hope
Improves self-esteem
Gentle for animals

and more...

Every session is a meditation. 

What is Esoteric Healing? imageWhat is Esoteric Healing? imageWhat is Esoteric Healing? image